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There is no way any rescue organization can carry out its commitments through the collection of adoption fees alone.  More often than not dogs arrive in rescue with a laundry list of ailments.  Add to that being heartworm positive and a large chunk of finances disappears.  And even this doesn't take into consideration dogs with emergency surgical needs!

Caring people who are moved to donate bears the brunt of rescue expenses.  Not everyone can support rescue in a hands-on fashion but don't for a single second think a one-time financial gift is insignificant!

A microchip costs $10.00, heartworm prevention for one month is $10.00, monthly flea prevention is $10.00, Demodex (mange) dipping is $40.00, annual vaccinations are  $60.00, a routine spay is $300.00 and neuter is $250.00, heartworm testing is $30.00, heartworm treatment is $400.00 - $600.00, and the list goes on.  These are the recurring costs for the care we consider mandatory to provide a foundation of good health.  The figures multiply exponentially by the sheer number of dogs needing rescue.

Maybe we can't save them all, but with your help, we can save more!  Together we can make them One Less... One Less to Die!  Your tax-deductible gift today means  life to the dog that is pulled off death row and receives care because you chose to click the  Donate button on the right-hand sidebar.

We Deeply Appreciate Your Giving,

Houston Boxer Rescue Volunteers... And the Dogs! 

*Many employers and companies offer a matching donation program for qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.  Wouldn't it be awesome to double your contribution?  Inquire at your workplace!


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